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Written by Arya Yaguareté
The role of guilt
How does guilt feel for you?⠀ ⠀ For me, it's this knowing feeling in my stomach and pain in my heart that makes me feel like I am a...
The lesson chaos carries
<<< CHAOS >>> You feel it?? From within ourselves to the world outside of seems to be everywhere these days. Do you know what...
Your father wound
Your relationship with men has a direct correlation with your relationship with your father. ⠀ ⠀ How they treated you, your mother,...
What path are your thoughts taking you down?
What are you choosing with your thoughts? Every thought can take you down a path.⠀ ⠀ A path to feeling good or a path to feeling like...
The lessons of judgement.
Judgement has been my way of navigating life for a very long time. ⠀ But the effects of it have not served me. Judgement has: - Kept me...
May these holidays be merry and bright
The holiday season can be very chaotic, unsettling and stressful. If you'd like to make your holidays special, it is important to connect...
It's a crazy year end with mercury retrograde in full force, but it's important you don'
We are currently in Mercury Retrograde, as well as coming up to the end of 2017. This is a crucial time for facing our shadow sides and...
Your body is smarter than your mind
Our physical bodies are our truth encyclopedias. They tell us what we need and desire from our deepest core. When I practice Reiki on my...
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