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A 30-day one-to-one Voxer coaching journey to help you move through your inner saboteur and show up with clarity, consistency and confidence.

Your marketing bestie on demand.



You know what you need to do, but yet you get stuck in the:

"Is this right way?"

"Am I pricing this too high?"

"Is my audience warmed up enough to jump on this offer?

You question if you are making the best decision for your business (and self), and frankly, it feels like you waste hours going over things in your head.

At the beginning of the month, you can see how much is possible to get done, but somewhere along the way it just doesn't happen.

You question if you're meant for this...

If you're good enough at it...

And if you have what it takes.

You look at the baddie boss babe who seemingly does this all with ease and wonder, "What does she have that I don't?"

Well here's the truth about her...

She builds a strategy from a space of possibility...where her success is inevitable.

Her failures don't throw her off, they give her fuel for how she can do it better next time.

She doesn't give up...and she treats herself as the most important client she has.

She rests, she plays, she honours her body...and she shows up with devotion.

The only difference between you and the 6-figure coach that makes it all look easy is not that she doesn't share the same fears of failure as you, but instead she's developed a new way way of thinking and sharing her work that is rooted in possibility.


Imagine what it would be like to actually show up 

consistently (because you want to) ⚡️

with clarity (in what to say and how to say it) ⚡️

and with confidence that you are making the right decision for you and your biz. ⚡️

To see RESULTS from the work you're doing.

Like people signing up for your programs!

And DM'ing you out of nowhere asking if you take 1:1 clients.

Imagine actually enjoying talking about what you offer and

inviting people to work with you.

Where creating content just flows out of you,

and "selling" feels like an invitation to the best possible party.

Imagine doing it all while feeling...

✅ Rested AF (hello naps, 8 hours of sleep and delicious home cooked meals),

✅ Clear as day on how you can help them and it didn't take you days to figure out how to say it (ChatGPT can only get you so far), 

✅ Free to have fun doing it (like genuinely excited and in the joy of sharing your unique work).


With CONFIDENCE ON CALL, you will get daily access to 20+ years of marketing experience from a coach who hasn't only lived entrepreneurship, but has helped over a hundred women access the confident leaders within.

So whenever you:

😐 Get stuck in your head on how to price your products

🤔 Need some ideas on how to clearly share your message

🥳 Want to celebrate your reel taking off (but don't think anyone else will care)

🥺 Feel resistance to launching that new offer

You have someone who genuinely cares and wants to hear from you, at your finger tips. 🥰

You will feel supported and ON TRACK, because you'll have daily access to:

🤳 Voice note and text support whenever you need it

💃 A cheerleader in your corner who knows how to get you through the humps of running a biz

👯‍♀️ A marketing bestie you can lean on for ideas on strategy, copywriting and your plan

We will do this in a way that is authentic and from the heart,

that leaves you giggling over how easy it can actually be,

and keeping you in the pleasure of life (because honestly, that's the only way I think it's worth living.)

Together, we'll bring conscious (and authentic) marketing to the forefront of your strategy and get your work OUT into the world so that the people who need you, can find you. 💸🧿🔭

This is going to be so much fun!!

Because it gets to be easeful.



Daily access to a marketing and life coach for 30 days through voice notes and texts, where you can bring any marketing related question, challenge or celebration.




I can't think of a better representation of beauty, than someone who is unafraid to be herself. 
Emma Stone

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