Hello love!
I'm Arya!
I'm thrilled that you made it here. Out of all the places you could have landed on the inter-web, you made it here.
I don't believe in coincidences and I also know that if you're here, it's because you are feeling called to be making a bigger impact in the world.
You want to feel free...
You're done hustling for every dollar...
You want to take vacations without the guilt...
You want to do work you love, not because you have to, but because you want to.
I get it. I was in the corporate grind for years. My physical body deteriorated and I felt like I was contributing to the issues of the world, instead of helping.
Then when I became an entrepreneur, I would ping pong between overworking and not doing anything. My nervous system was having a wild time.
Now I am in the business of body-led entrepreneurship. It is rooted in trusting your own inner knowing, developing real confidence and inviting in strategy to become the leader of your business, abundance and life.
I know that you living out your calling is the key to the joy and fulfillment you desire.
Teresa Towey
The biggest shift through working with Arya has been an energetic one. It’s a deeper sense of trust that it is all happening right on time. It’s been a shift away from the feeling that “I need to do / be / post more and then my business will grow”, toward knowing and feeling that “I simply need to show up as me, with a desire to connect with people, and as a result, I will attract the connections and clients that are meant for me”.
Tangibly, I also celebrated my single largest income month during my work with Arya, increased my IG connections by 16%, enrolled a new client, and re-enrolled two existing clients! And I launched and hosted my first ever multi-week group container!

Vann-Ly Cheng
Arya is like the soul sister you have always wanted! She is powerful and magical just with her presence!
She is extremely intuitive and really is inspiring! Empowering women is just one of the many things she does!
Kate Moricz
Arya is going to tell you exactly what you need to hear and not always what you want to hear but it’s with so much love. It’s like hanging out with a wise friend. She led me back to the heart of my business and by doing so I found confidence in my leadership, she helped me get clear on my message and the women I came here to help, always gave great feedback on my progress and even healed multiple blocks that allowed me to speak more of my truth online.
If you are looking for a traditional, get rich quick agenda, Arya isn’t for you. But if you are looking for a soulful approach where you learn how to do business from your heart space where action feels aligned and not forced, Arya is your gal!